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Frequently asked questions

Is there any waiting period before I can claim a case ?

There is no waiting period, however the Temporary Loss of Licence insurance benefit will become effective after the 29th day of your confirmed sickness - a written letter of the suspension of your medical class 1 is required by your authority or medical department. Please refer as well to the guideline for the medical claim procedure on our website for further information.

How long can I benefit from the Temporary Loss of License ?

Up to 3 years and multiple times - please refer as well to the instruction of the Temporary Loss of Licence on our website.

Can I keep my membership and Loss of License insurance when changing the employer ?

Yes, you can keep your membership when changing your employer. You are required to inform and update APPN with the new medical class 1 and a current salary certificate of your new employer. The coverage of your Temporary Loss of Licence might be adjusted according T&Cs.

How do I pay the premiums ?

You will pay your premiums by credit card directly to APPN on a quarterly or if requested half-yearly or yearly basis. The cadet pilot has to pay the premiums on annual basis due to reduced premiums. As a holder of a European bank account you have the option to pay on a monthly basis using SEPA direct debit.

How long can I keep the Loss of License insurance ?

You can keep the Temporary Loss of Licence up to the age of 65 years. It will be then automatically cancelled. The Permanent Loss of Licence can be kept up to 60 with an extension up to 65 years on your own request.

What is the maximum joining age ?

You have to subscribe before the age of 45 years and for all cadet pilots the maximum cut off age is 35 year.

Can I join the scheme if I am not employed within the Middle East ?

Yes you can join the scheme directly with APPN. IFP is the official channel for all pilots employed and operating within Middle East as per the guideline on the website. Be advised that for you current position and employment, a different premium table, monthly membership fee and guarantee may apply. In order to request the documentation please contact APPN directly using the following link: APPN

What is the working capital ?

The working capital is a so called deposit which is fully refundable if you decide one day to terminate the insurance again.The reason behind is to provide you with a safety feature in case the payment with you credit card will denied by your bank or you have changed the credit card and forgot to inform APPN accordingly. In this case you are covered for another 3 months in worst case scenario. 

Why do I have to pay the 7 € (Euro) membership fee per month ?

In general APPN is a non-profitable pilots association and therefore not allowed to ask for commision due to the fact your premiums will go directly and unfiltered to the insurance companies. The 7 € is purely to cover their monthly administration expenses. A cadet pilot applying with APPN is excempted until he will receive is ATPL licence and become a full member. The 7 € is a reduced membership fee and can be changed in future as per the Terms and Conditions if required.

Can I make changes to my existing guarantees in future ?

Yes you can decrease your guarantee(s) anytime within 30 days. You might increase you guarantee(s) once you either have changed the employer or being promoted to higher level in connection with a higher salary income (Terms and Conditions will apply). For both scenarios you need to fill up an alteration form which you can download from our website. 

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